ISPI SoCal Presents: GEMS RoundTable
Training & Learning impediments
Join us to discuss this month's article:
Facilitated by:
The RoundTable is an exciting approach that stimulates incredible conversation and insight around the topics and trends impacting our discipline.
We read aloud the RoundTable Guidelines and this session's article for about 15 minutes. Then for the next 45 minutes, we offer everyone in attendance equal time to share their thoughts and experiences on or around the topic. Come explore with us!
NOTE! Please download and print the article, or view in browser, for your use during the session (link above).
To facilitate and/or propose an article for a future RoundTable, contact Laura Braeunig
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#PerformanceImprovement #L&DandInstructionalDesign #GEMSRoundTable
The GEMS RoundTable format was provided by Sue Gabriele, President and Owner, Gabriele Educational Materials and Systems. Website: Email:
The Leading Professional Association Dedicated to Performance Improvement
Chapter of ISPI
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